If, by any small miracle this blog entry actually publishes, the
image above is a reasonably fitting metaphor to describe what's
Like RoadworkUK, my Audi is sitting, forlornly with a layer
of dust and dew on it, and, like RoadworkUK, today it has been brought
back into use again just today after a long period of lying dormant. I'd like to thank spambots all over the world for clogging
up my comments section - their poorly disguised links to essay-writing
services have actually kept the blog visible to the Googlebots.
The long and the short of it is simply, I'm back. Or It's back.
Whatever. Many of the upcoming blog entries will likely be extremely
rough and ready, being created ad hoc from my mobile phone, such as I'm
doing now. Expect to find all kinds of car-related nonsense - mainly of stuff too obscure for me to put
on Hooniverse, so stay
tuned for future broadcasts on this frequency. It's good to be back.
The @RoadworkUK Twitter Channel remains active. You should follow me. I'm more interesting than James Corden.
ivory research · 390 weeks ago
Norman · 384 weeks ago
Best quality sticker roll
Douglas M. Meyer · 378 weeks ago
Aone Abbas · 333 weeks ago
Hamish Marshall-Hall · 332 weeks ago
allmobitools · 293 weeks ago