Thursday, 4 October 2012

Instrumentalism #01: The V.I.C.

So, to begin this New, Exciting occasional feature looking at weird and wonderful dashboard arrangements over the years, let me start with my absolute favourite dead-end instrumental contrivance, one that will be widely known, even infamous to those of you hailing from the New World, but will no doubt amaze and enthral all us Europeans.

General Motors' V.I.C.

As seen in the Buick Reatta "sports car", and available (but not standard) on the legendary* Oldsmobile Toronado Trofeo in 1989, I bring you GMs Visual Information Centre, of which the General gushed;

    "The VIC is a user-friendly, touch screen system that allows you to store and recall up to 51 information full colour visual displays, including navigational compass, engine functions, accessory operation and more"

As you will discover to be a common theme throughout this series, I have absolutely no grounds on which to build an opinion of the VIC, except that I find its looks and functionality to be absolutely fascinating.

Youtube Provides: The VIC in action. (by JaredBlakeman)

*May not actually be legendary.

Thanks to: 

(Well, sources unknown, if I'm honest. I found the images here on the VWVortex forum, but heaven only knows where they came from originally. If you posted them and are cross with me for using them, just take it as a complement, hey? Cheers.)